Educational technology refers to the area of technology that deals with facilitating e-learning which the learning is and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological process and resources. (
Generally educational technology is the technology used in imparting or gaining knowledge from the teacher to the learners.
E-learning refers to the use of electronic media and information media and information technology (ICT) in education. E-learning includes numerous types of media that deliver text audio, images, animation and streaming video and includes technological application and process such as audio or video, tape satellite TV, CD-ROM and computer-based learning as well as local internet and web based learning.
Listening is the process of paying attention to the four processes which are receiving, perceiving, interpreting and responding to the spoken and accompanying non-verbal signals.
Speaking is the language skills which involve the transfer content or message through the mouth.  This is the most common methods of communication in everyday life. An effective speaking considers two important things that is the planning and practice.
Reading is another skill of language which involves the process of receiving, interpreting and delivering meaning from writing or printed text and materials. Reading skills includes type such as scanning, skimming light reading, intensive reading and extensive reading.
Writing is an art of drawing letters symbols marks of a given language on the flat surface especially piece of paper in order to communicate. The writing skills start from the word sentence paragraph up to text or book.
Educational technology is very important in teaching and learning process especially now days because it improve different programs which are conducted in educational institutions especially in different subject with relation to educational aims. Listening, writing, reading and speaking skills can be improved by educational technology as follows:
The use of audio for example radio, the teacher can use different programs from the radio which is equivalent to the educational wise in order to improve a listening skills for example teacher can introduce the radio in a classroom and switch on a certain event from the radio by insisting the students to pay attention toward the events so that the student can know how different words are pronounced and its meaning. This media is more useful for elementary schools and is more effective to the audio type of learners.

Audio visual media such as video television and over head projectors the teacher can use projector through connecting to the computer and then the materials can be displayed to the projector for example the teacher can play different moves which can be shown into projector, this will be suitable for audio visual learners which can improve listening, by hearing voices from the speaker, speaking in order to give feedback to the teacher, reading what the learners sow on the projector or on the television and writing on their text book.

 Blogs twitter and facebook allow students to post their thought, ideas and comments on their blogs, twitter and facebook accounts. Through these, students can improve their writing and reading skills because during writing the information in blogs some words which contains mistakes can be corrected before posted and stored on the blogs, twitter and facebook.        
White boards touch screens are the media of technology which allows teachers and students to write on the Touch board screen where by the learning process become very interactive and engaging. For e example through white boards the teacher and students can write several words or sentences for a short time and sometimes the words on white boards can be seen clearly by zooming out. Hence Writing and reading skills can be improved.
Webcams are used in the video conferencing with other schools. Glow provides the tools for professional learning, reflection and the sharing of ideas in a safe, secure and protected environment. It breaks down geographical and social barriers and provides the tools to ensure a first-class education for our pupils. It also allow teacher to share their experience with other schools. Live demonstration using the over head webcams can be recorded for the use of other classes. Instead of having students crowded around the teacher’s desk, pupils can stay at their desk and watch the smart board screen.

Generally education technology is very important in teaching and learning process because it helps to improve different aspects especially in different subjects in schools to be up to date as well as to share the ideas which contain the same quality all over the word.

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